Frequently Asked Questions HolidayFlats24

When is it possible to check in?

Check-in is possible from 16:00 to 00:00. Some apartments have a different check-in window. If this is the case, you will find a detailed information in your check-in mail.

Until which time the accomodation has to be left on check-out day?

Check-out must be done in all units until 10:00 am. If the check-out window differs, you will find a detailed information in your check-in mail.

How many parking places are available?

Information on available parking spaces can be found in the check-in mail you will receive from us shortly before your stay.

Does the apartement provide WiFi?

A detailed information regarding the WiFI can be found in the check-in mail you will receive from us shortly before your stay.

Are bed linen and towels included/available?

Per person a complete bed set and towels are available.

Does the security deposit have to be paid on site?

The deposit will be blocked on your credit card as part of the guest registration process. The deposit will be released up to 7 days after departure or after the property has been checked and returned in good condition.

Is there any cash payment required on site?

A payment on-site, if not expressly stated, is not required.

How do I get the key? How and when is the key handed over?

The check-in and key handover takes place directly on site at the property, usually by means of a key box. You will receive a detailed and supplementary explanation in the check-in email.

Are pets allowed?

Detailed information can be found on the respective accommodation page.

How is the kitchen of my accomodation equipped?

Detailed information about the kitchen equipment can be found in the “Equipments” section of the respective accommodation.

Can I book breakfast, or do you offer breakfast delivery service service?

Detailed information on the availability of breakfast and bread service can be found in the check-in mail.

Is there a lockable room for bikes/skis?

You will find detailed information on the availability of a ski or bike room in the check-in mail.